
Sunday, December 24, 2006

Zoo Photos

Big Cat attack

Perhaps some of you have heard about the San Francisco zookeeper who was attacked on Friday afternoon last week. I've been out of internet/news range and did not learn of it until today, but when I did, Phil and I rushed to town so I could put these videos up. This is a film of her feeding the cats the day before she was attacked. And another one of a playful lion.
Click here to see zookeeper feeding lions

Click here to see playful 3 1/2 year old lion

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Crazy lady....

Apparently this woman is a Montessori school teacher. And when it really comes down to it, what's more important? The shitzu, or the infant??? Damn. You just gotta read this. Link

Sunday, December 10, 2006

New Job (again)

So, I know it seems as though I am always starting new jobs and ending old jobs (which never have enough time to actually get old), but working in the Physics dept. this term was planned to be only a term long position. On Friday I had an interview with the OSU Plant Clinic, which you can explore on this website
I'm VERY excited to be back in a lab with an opportunity to be doing molecular work again. I'll begin my training tomorrow and be getting more of an idea what my role will be. Can't wait!

We're on winter break now from school, and the final grades are slowly rolling in as my professors get everything graded. I had a very successful term and am looking forward to another crazy load for the winter term!